920910 | / earth to infinity / deep space network /cd | 970526; | / vulvic yonifications / vulva / cd, 2xlp |
lp 04 | / 50th anniversary ov lsd / various / lp | 971127 | / plays / sad rockets / cd, lp |
930611 | / big rooms / deep space network / cd | 980328 | / active technologies / system 360 / cd, 2xlp |
930612 | / electronic congress / redagain p / cd | 980529 | / orange peel / ymc / cd, 2xlp |
930613 | / homeworks / various / cd, 2x12" | 980730 | / strong medicine / elfish echo / cd, 2xlp |
940714 | / reagenz / cd, 12" | 990131 | / transporter / cd, lp |
940815 | / my little yoni / yoni / cd, 12" | 990832 | / arsequake / yonder kids / cd, 2xlp |
940916 | / headshop / various / cd | 990933 | / personal rock / gramm / cd, 2xlp |
940917 | / kunststoff / move d / cd, 2xlp | 991234 | / earprints / conjoint / cd, 2xlp |
941018 | / multiple void enjoyment / elfish echo / cd | 000535 | / laconic / alex cortex / cd, 2xlp |
950119 | / gigantochelonia/ redagain p / cd | 000736 | / devolution / eyephone / cd |
950220 | / kobat / cd | 002567 | / opensource.players / cd, 2xlp |
950821 | / ro 70 / cd, 2xlp | 010638 | / offene schleifen / sensual physics / cd, 2xlp |
950822 | / true frequencies / cd | 020239 | / secret corner / lowtec / cd, 2xlp |
960123 | / rob gordon projects / cd, 2xlp | 020440 | / objects and buildings / johan skugge / cd, 2xlp |
960424 | / deep space network meets higher intelligence agency / cd, 2xlp | 020541 | / opensource.code / various / cd, 2xlp |
960125 | / live & final fridge / pita & general magic / cd, lp | 020842 | / coastal acces / adrien75 / cd |
020943 | / lideskape / veer / cd, 2xlp | ||
030344 | / wie es sein wollte / benjamin wild / cd, 2xlp | ||
040445 | / raise this flap / deep space network / cd | ||
040646 | / nattmusik / deltidseskapism / cd | ||
050147 | / 4th floor / bton / cd | ||
050248 | / ^ö^ / seltsam & strahler / cd |